olga's lab
2d game assets About Olga's Lab License
Burger maker scene kit

Burger maker scene kit



Burger creation kit for games.

The download contains all the assets you need to create a burger maker game.

The PNGS included are:

Pre-made restaurant background and a variety of fourteen face on customers, toppings to put in your burger such as onion, pepper, bacon, egg, cheese and melted cheese, hamburger, bread, tomato, gherkins, pepperoni, lettuce, chips, mushrooms, mayo, mustard, barbecue, ketchup sauce, and horizontal and vertical containers to put all the toppings in.

The pack also comes with a face on drinks machine and a side view one with its own brick wall background, drinks pouring animation, small and big grill, fryer with and without oil and fryer basket with and without chips.

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copyright olgaslab 2024Olga Romero Lopez